Now available
Answers to Questions about Christianity with Scripture Proofs
A New Children’s Catechism for Christians, Inquirers and their children.
This book has been in preparation for over thirteen years and grew out of a desperate need for something simple, thorough, systematic and yet capable of being used to introduce Christians to their own faith and inquirers into Christianity as well. With great respect for the former Children’s Catechism that has been used for over 160 years, we first used this but found that it was more suited for a knowledgeable Christian public rather than the circumstances we find ourselves in today in most any country around the world. Therefore, building upon the worthy foundation laid in the original Children’s Catechism, we expanded on many of the points it simply highlighted, but adding additional questions and some additional subject areas. This book built upon the foundation of the original Children’s Catechism and used many of its questions. Ideas were borrowed from a large number of other catechisms which have been used privately or publicly over the years. No one person wrote this catechism. It was the collective effort of many theologians, missionaries and pastors from around the world.
$10.00 per copy in USA
To order go to: Triumphant Publications